Welcome to the PWG Blog!

We are so thrilled to be writing our inaugural Princeton Writing Group blog post! Having a website and blog for our group has been something we’ve dreamed about for years, and thanks to the web designing prowess of our leader emeritus, Shen, and our blog coordinator, Denita Stevens, it is now a reality.

So many of us have fallen in love with this writing group for what it’s contributed not only to our writing skill and achievements but for the relationships and friends we’ve met along the way. We are missing seeing you all in person regularly, and we’re hoping this blog will help unite us more while we’re all so distanced.   If you are not yet on Discord for our virtual write-ins, join up!  Discord is FREE and we can chat about writing and help keep each other motivated to write, same as we’ve been doing in person for years.

Our membership is a multi-faceted group full of varying talents and skills with a rich variety of diverse viewpoints. Basically, PWG rocks and we want to show you all off.  If you’re a group member, let us know if you want to write for us! We’re wide open for topics on writing, something that we might have discussed at a write-in, current/relevant writing industry trends, and anything unique that we’re bringing to the story.  We’re looking forward to seeing all the amazing things you all can do and sharing it.  Please let us know you’re interested by commenting here, or contact Denita, or one of us via our Twitter DMs.

Feel free to leave comments on posts and let us know you’re following along and supporting each other.  Comments are monitored (which involves a delay in posting), in line with our PWG policies for including and making our spaces safe for writers.

Happy writing! NaNoWriMo is around the corner….

May the words be with you!

Your co-leaders, Jenny and Robin

Your co-leaders, Jenny and Robin

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